Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Moved to Wordpress

There were just some features that I got on with better over at Wordpress so all of these posts and all future blogging will be done over there and you can go there via this link.

Monday, 22 March 2010

Fat Lace Radio/Podcast/Ramblings

The boys over at Fat Lace Magazine have started recording a semi-regular show that is available from their Soundcloud page or their own very fine blog. Check the first two shows below, stream or download.

Fat Lace Show 001 by Fat Lace Magazine

Fat Lace Show 002 by Fat Lace Magazine

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Wax On, Wax Off - Saturdays at James St Tavern

This is a relatively new night that will be happening every Saturday at the James St Tavern just off Cowley Rd. If you head down there you will have your aural needs taken care of by one or more of the residents who will be playing in rotation. One of them is me, but don't let that put you off! There will also be musical treats served up by Random Hero, Cynan and Angie.

I've known Mr Random Hero for a while and always been a fan of his work but the others are relatively new (and very welcome) aquaintances of mine. Come down and let us entertain you!

Turns out some people read this stuff

Just a quick note to mention that the man like Kid Fury made this post on Venom Fire because of me mentioning Lady Chann. Not only that but Hip Hop Chronicle also kindly gave the credit for the DJ MK Beatnuts mix I upped the other day.

If you do read this I'd encourage you to drop a little comment, and if you do post stuff elsewhere then drop me a line and let me know. I'd probably be doing this anyway but it's nice to know there are a few people out there.

On another note I'm thinking about making the switch to Wordpress very soon because I feel like there are features I would prefer to use over there. I'll make sure to link from here to the new place if it does happen.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Fashawn - The Antidote

Now I'm so late on this it's almost silly. This is a free mix for download from the man who put out one of my favourite albums of last year. Fashawn put this out before his debut album "Boy Meets World" and I clearly just missed it at the time.

Check it here, and then go and buy the album. Seriously, you need it in your life. While you're at it go and check his site for additional material and hit him up on Twitter as well.

DJ J-Live - First Things First Vol. 1

DJ J-Live hits us once again with this mix of great first songs from great albums. This is free to download for a limited time from here, and apparently he's preparing to drop Vol. 2 on is very soon.

You can also have a listen to it all by clicking on the player below.

<a href="">01 Intro Freestyle _ J-Live by J-Live</a>

Monday, 8 March 2010

Lady Chann - Dun Dem Season Vol. 1

If you were paying attention you would have seen Lady Chann on the Ladies Night on Westwood vid I posted a while ago. Everything I hear from her is more and more impressive, and now you've got a chance to have her next mixtape just fall into your lap.

Check her Myspace for a link, and all you have to do is sign up to the mailing list. Then on April 5th you'll be sent a link to the new mixtape, shit doesn't get easier than that people.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

DJ MK - 100% Pure Nuts

If I have to explain who the Beatnuts are then you clearly don't like hip hop that much, and in a similar way you should be well up on who DJ MK is. This is a Beatnuts mix that MK put together for a HHC cover CD from years ago, and it is still the best thing they ever gave away.

Check it right HERE.

MK is more of Twitter man these days so you can hit him up here to tell him how this mix changed your life.