Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Critical Madness - Bringing out the dead

Critical Madness are a duo originally from Florida, made up of Critical and Madness funnily enough. Their new album "Bringing out the Dead" is out very soon and you can check a sampler of it here. Check it out, and when you love it more than sandwiches then hit them up on Myspace to get your very own copy.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Damu & Buff 1 - When the winter comes

So the weather is starting to get a bit more chilly and we've finally got the heating on at home. Damu and Buff 1 come with something to warm your cockles which you can find here along with a few other bits and pieces. Enjoy!

<a href="">When The Winter Comes (2 Track Mix) ft. Buff1 by Damu The Fudgemunk</a>